3 day bootcamp - Best Year YEt

Unlock the Method to Making Your Wildest Business Dreams a Reality!

Make 2024 the year where you finally leave your self-doubts, limiting beliefs and sabotaging behaviours behind. Learn the exact manifestation method to bring your business goals to life in 2024.


Here's what you'll learn

Everything you need to manifest your wildest business goals

Vaguely knowing what you want to achieve is not enough to make it happen. You need to let go of the old sabotaging habits, emotions and thoughts that are no longer serving you, get crystal clear on the direction you want to go and step into the best version of yourself, who is no longer afraid to take massive action.

By combining the three pillars you'll learn in this bootcamp - reflection, creation, and expansion - you'll be equipped with a method to manifest anything you desire in 2024. It's a holistic approach that addresses both the internal and external factors necessary for success. Get ready to conquer your doubts, rewrite your story, and set yourself up for a phenomenal year ahead!

Day 1


On day one we're going to take a deep dive into your current mindset, beliefs, and patterns that may be holding you back from achieving your goals. Through reflection exercises and guided introspection, you'll gain clarity on what's currently holding you back and release any negative motion you're holding onto from past setbacks.

Day 2


Next, we'll move on to creation. This step is all about creating your vision for 2024 and taking inspired action towards your goals. You'll learn practical strategies and techniques to create a clear roadmap for success, set achievable milestones, and develop an action plan that aligns with your vision. We'll plant your goal on a subconscious level so your success becomes inevitable. 

Day 3



Finally, we'll focus on expansion. This pillar is all about expanding your mindset even more on a subconscious level. You'll be guided though transformative techniques so you can cultivate a success-oriented mindset, overcome challenges, and develop resilience. 

What students experience inside BYY:

How does this sound?

Your life after this bootcamp...

  • You feel like a completely new person. You've shed the old, limiting stories that were holding you back, and you've embraced a fresh perspective on life and success.
  • As you look ahead to 2024, your vision is crystal clear. You know exactly where you're going and what you want to achieve. With your newfound clarity, you've crafted a powerful action plan that will guide you every step of the way towards your desired success.
  • You confidently navigate the path towards your dreams. You're unstoppable. You have the tools, the mindset, and the unwavering determination to overcome any obstacles that come your way.
  • The fears you once had around showing up confidently in your business, promoting your offers, and stepping into the spotlight have completely vanished. You now exude a magnetic presence that effortlessly attracts your ideal clients and customers.
Ready to manifest your business goals in 2024?

Get inside for just


  • Access to replays of the live calls with Evy. Each around 60 minutes.
  • Lifetime access to replays of the calls. 
  • Lifetime access to workbooks and audio-recordings.
  • Access to private community of like minded entrepreneurs. 

And there is more!

When you enroll, you'll also get these awesome bonuses:

Bonus #1 


You'll get access to the hypnosis bundle with 5 self-hypnosis audio sessions that will supercharge and rewire your mind for business success. 

Bonus #2

50 reframes for Limiting Beliefs 

Get instant mindset shifts with the power of reframing so you can view challenges as opportunities for growth instead of limitations.   

Bonus #3

Vision Board Guide

Learn how to create a vision board that will help in rewiring your subconscious mind so you can easily manifest your life and business goals. 

Meet your coach

Hi, I'm Evy


I'm a mindset & manifestation coach for entrepreneurs who want to take their business to the next level. 

I started my own entrepreneurial journey back in 2018 when I opened a chiropractic practice alongside my husband and was able to scale it to six figures within 3 years through the power of mindset work. 

After finding a passion for self development and entrepreneurship I got certified in Neuro-linguistic Programming, Neural Energetic Encoding, Emotionial Freedom Technique and Hypnosis. 


But it wasn't always this way...

I used to struggle with social anxiety, insecurity and even had to turn to welfare at some point. Until I could no longer bare the money struggles or working for a boss, and decided to take on entrepreneurship when the opportunity presented itself. 

When I first stared my business I had to find ways to overcome the limiting beliefs I had around money, confidence and selling. I've surely made my share of business mistakes, but they all lead me to where I am today: living a life where I achieved my personal success and continuously grow into an up-levelled version of myself.

That's why I want to help you step into the most fierce, confident and successful entrepreneur who already lives inside you. And it's easily achievable when you have the knowledge and tools to rewire your subconscious mind that's currently keeping you in your comfort zone where there's no growth happening. 

This is for you if:

  • You keep running around in circles. You're starting each year motivated and ready to follow through on your goals, but never experience any change or growth in your life and business.
  • You know what to do and how to get there, but you have self sabotaging behaviour that keeps you from reaching your goals. 
  • You're frustrated of not seeing results in your business. You find selling to be hard and struggle with confidently showing up in your business.

This isn't for you if:

  • You're not willing to do introspection and you're allergic to self development.
  • You expect everything to just work out without putting in any work.
  • You're not open to new concepts and aren't willing to participate in techniques such as NLP, EFT, Neural Energetic Encoding or hypnosis.
  • You're perfectly happy with where you are and the results you're currently experiencing. There's no more growth possible for you and your business.

Are you ready to make 2024 your best (business) year yet?

By the end of the 3 days, you'll emerge with a renewed sense of purpose, a heightened level of self-awareness, and the tools and strategies to create lasting change in your life. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in yourself and unlock your full potential. Join the 3-day bootcamp and embark on a transformative journey towards personal and professional growth, and success.