Tap into your limitless business potential

Reprogram your mind for success with the "Supercharging Your Business Success" Hypnosis Bundle!

Discover the power of hypnosis and rewire your mind and become a more confident, resilient and wealthy entrepreneur. 

Buy the Hypnosis Bundle

Are you struggling to achieve the level of business success you desire?

Do you find yourself plagued by limiting beliefs around self-doubt, fear of failure, money, perfectionism, and fear of success?

If so, you're not alone – these are some of the most common blocks that keep many entrepreneurs from reaching their goals in life and business.

But what if I told you there was a way to effortlessly rewire your mind and overcome these limiting beliefs so that you can finally manifest your wildest business results?

What if you could tap into the power of hypnosis to unleash your full potential and attract more money, more confidence, and more success than ever before?

This is why you keep playing small...


As a fellow entrepreneur, I totally get the struggle of having a love-hate relationship with money. The anxiety that comes with pricing your offerings can be quite overwhelming. You may have been bombarded with advice that's just plain wrong, like the popular notion that "if it's not on sale, it's too expensive." As a result, you find yourself constantly discounting your products/services or setting prices that make you cringe, all in the hopes of attracting more buyers.

You know, back in our childhood days, we were often discouraged from making mistakes. And let's not forget the bad grades that earned us a scolding from parents and teachers. It's no wonder we grew up thinking that any mistake is an absolute disaster. That mindset could be causing you to fear taking action that might actually lead to success or causing you to hesitate in completing tasks because they're not "perfect" yet.

Oh, and those "haters" out there! You've probably seen negative comments directed at successful people who are doing well. It's only natural to worry that once you achieve your own success, people will start saying mean things about you too. That fear might be holding you back from stepping into the spotlight and owning your achievements.

Alternatively, somebody might have tried to bring you down by saying things like, "You shouldn't do that, people will think...(insert whatever you've been told)." Those kinds of remarks can really do a number on your confidence, making you believe that if you reveal your true self, people will form negative opinions about you.

All of these experiences may have planted negative beliefs deep down in your subconscious.
But here's the thing - those beliefs may not be valid or true at all. It's time to let go of those misleading ideas that are holding you back.

Trying to change limiting beliefs and behaviours through willpower alone is like shouting in a soundproof room - intense efforts won't have the desired impact because these beliefs are stored in your subconscious mind.

Introducing: transformational hypnosis

Through the power of hypnosis, you'll be able to bypass your conscious mind and open up your subconscious mind where all your beliefs are stored that have been there after they were told to you or were formed after a certain experience.

Let me give you an example: Maybe you went to the store with your mom as a child one day and you wanted a new shiny toy that was catching your eye as you were walking to the register. You asked your mom if you could pretty please have it, and then you were told: "Nope, everything above $100 is expensive." You felt deep sadness but accepted that statement as truth because you didn't know any better, and because this is now stored in your brain subconsciously, you still believe it today. Causing you to not charge anything above $100 because you THINK: "People will think it's too expensive." or "I can't but anything above $100 because that's too expensive. See where I'm going with this? 

Your subconscious mind controls 95% of your daily habits which includes your thoughts, beliefs and actions. 

You might not have thought of this before but thinking negatively on a consistent basis is A HABIT. It's not who you are. 

Habits are changeable, and so are beliefs. You just haven't been taught how. 

You don't attract what you want. - You attract what you believe. When you change your beliefs, you change your reality.


This bundle is valued at $297 but you can access it for just $55!


You might be thinking that a powerful tool like the Hypnosis Bundle comes with a hefty price tag – but think again. I believe that unlocking your full potential as an entrepreneur should be accessible to everyone, which is why I'm offering the Hypnosis Bundle at only $55.

That's right – for less than the cost of a fancy dinner or a night out, you can tap into the power of hypnosis and make a lasting change in your business and life. I want to make sure that price isn't a barrier for you to access this life-changing resource.

But don't let the low price fool you – the value that you'll receive from the Hypnosis Bundle is immeasurable. Consider it an investment in yourself and your business, with the potential to reap incredible results that will far surpass the initial cost.

Imagine the boost in your confidence, the clarity in your decision-making, and the surge of motivation to take your business to new heights. That's what you can expect from the Hypnosis Bundle – a transformational experience that will pay dividends for years to come.

Take advantage of this offer and grab the Hypnosis Bundle at the incredible price of $55. It's an opportunity you don't want to miss. Keep in mind that the value of this bundle goes beyond its price tag – it's an investment that has the power to change your life.

Stop waiting and hoping for your breakthrough moment – seize the opportunity to unlock your full potential and join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs who have experienced the immense benefits of hypnosis. Get the Hypnosis Bundle today and start your journey towards unlimited success.


Get The bundle for only $55!

Trying to change your belief system by pure willpower doesn't work. 

This is what people are saying: 

Supercharge your business success today - buy the bundle


Who is Evy?

Evy is a mindset coach who is certified in hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Neural Energetic Encoding and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). She has transformed her life from struggling a life time with insecurity and limiting beliefs that  caused her to live on welfare for some time. After doing the inner work herself she was able  to manifest a multi six-figure business alongside her husband and she can now show up with confidence in herself and her abilities as an entrepreneur. She is now in the pursuit of helping other entrepreneurs achieve their own success by helping them rewire their subconscious mind. 

More about evy

Start rewiring your mind today!

The Hypnosis Bundle is the ultimate tool for any entrepreneur who wants to supercharge their success and tap into the power of the subconscious mind. This bundle includes five powerful hypnosis recordings that will help you unlock your full potential and achieve your business goals.

Get access to all 5 hypnosis recordings: 

1. Unlocking Wealth: Rewire Your Mind for Financial Success: Tap into the abundance mindset and watch your business thrive with financial success.
2. Unlocking Confidence: Release Imposter Syndrome: Embrace your uniqueness, banish self-doubt, and step into the spotlight with unshakeable confidence.
3. Unlocking Resilience: Break Free from the Fear of Failure: Overcome fear and discover the resilience needed to bounce back and achieve amazing results beyond failure.
4. Unlocking Growth: Transition from Perfectionism to Progress-Oriented: Embrace growth over perfectionism, experiment fearlessly, and continuously evolve your business.
5. Unlocking Success: Break through the Fear Barrier of Success: Become unstoppable as you shatter the barriers holding you back and unleash your true potential.

Get The bundle for just $55!